
B.Sc. Psychology

B.Sc. Psychology is a three-year undergraduate programme (Model 1) that focuses on the study of mind, emotions, social development and the individuality of a human being. It also deals with mental illness, crisis management abilities of a person, human behavior etc. It also deals with a wide range of issues concerning people’s psychological and cognitive functioning. Psychology students can choose a variety of career paths in various places like Research Labs, Welfare Organizations, Rehabilitation Centres, and Correctional Programme Centres etc. Moreover, the psychology graduates can be Motivator, Counsellor, Health Educator, School Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist, Community Relations Officer. Apart from the jobs side, Psychology graduates can pursue M.Sc. Psychology and other postgraduate programmes.

Physiology and Statistics are the complementary courses offered in SKCMS

Intake - 24        Duration - 3 Years

Programme Outcomes

PO 1:
Apply scientific methods, basic psychological processes and various perspectives in Psychology

PO 2:
Apply theoretical knowledge on the process and nature of child development.

PO 3:
Demonstrate theoretical knowledge, approaches and issues in counselling.

PO 4:
Understand the biological basis of behaviour and basic statistical methods used in Psychological research.

PO 5:
Acquire skills to identify and diagnose mental disorders causal pattern and appropriate treatment of different disorders.

PO 6:
Identify strategies to manage organizations more effectively and will be expert in topics like Leadership, Motivation, Power, Conflict, Negotiation, etc.

PO 7:
Familiar with skills of observation and scientific reporting in psychology; trained in planning and conducting a psychological experiment.

PO 8:
Acquaint with different mental health problems of children and elderly through doing internship.

PO 9:
Familiarize the psychological instruments and tools and developed the ability to understand self and others.

PO 10:
Develop skills to live in the social world by understanding psychological aspects of various social phenomena, errors in interaction and theoretical approaches of social behaviour.

PO 11:
Competent in conducting a scientific research and engage in life-long learning. social behaviour.

Programme Specific Outcomes:

PSO 1:
Acquire foundation skills needed to be a psychologist.

PSO 2:
Use knowledge to pursue higher education in Psychology.

PSO 3:
Analyse and resolve Psychological issues faced by self and others.